Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, St Francis class were unable to present their class assembly to the school and their parents so they recorded it instead.
Song from the Remembrance assembly led by St Peter's Class
St Peter's Class reading the famous poem in the Remembrance Assembly
St Joseph Class explain the meaning of Advent during their assembly on 28.11.19
St George's Stomp group wowed the audience at the Palace Theatre with their wonderful Stomp routine.
The KS1 dance club performing their routine to 'A Whole New World.'
A little video to say hello and welcome you all to the juniors
Mrs Fitchew reads 'The Rainbow Fish'!
Mrs Fitchew's Storytime!
Listen to the story before working on your writing tasks this week.
A story for World Oceans Dat
Tuesday 19th May 2020
A challenge for the day
A ‘hello’ from Miss Rusz and a challenge for you all!
A gift from our children and families!
Due to being unable to celebrate our feast day together, we all got together the best way we could!
The choir perform their special carol from the Brentwood Combined Primary School Concert.
Year 1 and 2 present the Christmas story with an important message.
'The Nativity' performed by the children in St Francis Class on 12/12/19
St Peter's Class have been working on the Haka this term and then performed it to all the classes.